Policy to End Sex Trafficking
Legislative Update: Senate Bill 71 passed out of the Senate on February 18! A hearing was held in House of Representatives Committee on Judiciary on Monday, March 3.
Contact your state representative today, urging them to support this legislation when it is voted on in the House of Representativest.
This year, Kansas legislators have an opportunity to increase penalties for commercial sex buying. Learn more about this legislation, and how YWCA and our partners work to support survivors in our community.
The YWCA Center for Safety and Empowerment provides free and confidential services to victim/survivors of human trafficking. Our CSE Advocates provide case management, counseling, group support, crisis shelter, and more through innovative programs like the Day Center. In one year, from July 2023 to June 2024, over 100 victim/survivors of trafficking received services from the Center for Safety and Empowerment.
Senate Bill 71
In January, the Senate Judiciary Committee heard testimony on Senate Bill 71. On February 4, the committee voted unanimously to recommend the bill for passage, sending it to the full Senate! Now, the House of Representatives is hearing the bill. Contact your Representative today, and urge them to support this bill by requesting that it come up for a vote, and then vote YES!
What do I tell my legislators?
The main purpose of this legislation is to increase the criminal penalties for buying commercial sex from a misdemeanor to a felony. Other improvements include increasing the monetary penalty and making it mandatory, as well as requiring a court-ordered educational program or treatment. What will these changes do?
Decrease Demand
Increase Deterrence
Show Kansans that sex trafficking is not welcome here
You can support this legislation by following its progress and urging your legislators to support this effort. Find their contact information here.
Supporting Survivors in Our Community
Hear from CSE leaders and our partners about how they’re working to end trafficking and support survivors!